Usage and Supervision Policy

Daily Arrival and Dismissal

⦁ The Principal/Deputy Principal supervise the playground for the 10 minutes preceding admission time each day. This is done without prejudice, as the school does not officially take responsibility for children before admission time @ 8:50a.m.
⦁ On wet days, the children and parents are asked to congregate in the hall @ 8:40a.m. and will be supervised by the Principal/Deputy Principal until 8:50a.m.
⦁ At home time, the pupils will be escorted to the yard/dismissal area by their teacher. Children from Junior Infants to 2nd class will be handed over to their parent/guardian by their teacher. If a parent would like another adult to collect their child, written permission is required in advance unless it is on record for the year.
⦁ If an older sibling is required to collect children the school will require advance notification from the parent, preferably in writing.
⦁ If a child is allowed to walk home alone or with an older sibling, written permission is required in advance, unless it is on record for the year.
⦁ Children attending Early Start must be collected by an adult. It is essential that the Early Start teacher is informed ahead of time if a different person is collecting the child.
⦁ If a child is not collected on time, the school always ensures that a duty of care is provided until a parent/guardian arrives.


⦁ It is the policy of the school to supervise the yard at all times during regular lunch breaks i.e.: 10:45 – 10-55a.m. and 12:30 – 1:00p.m. Two teachers and a minimum of five SNA’s will be present on yard.
⦁ Whilst Special Needs Assistants are on duty to provide individual supervision for designated Special Needs children, they can act in an observing and reporting capacity, bringing instances of misbehaviour to the attention of the teachers on duty. The schools anti-bullying/discipline policy covers incidents of misbehaviour.
⦁ The teachers on yard duty remain with the classes until the class teachers return from their break. Teachers taking an EPV day is responsible for swapping supervision duties with a willing colleague. If a teacher is unexpectedly absent, their yard buddy will assume his/her duties in a reciprocal arrangement.

Toilet Areas

⦁ Two children from 5th/6th class students assume responsibility of monitoring toilets during break times.
⦁ The teacher on yard duty will issue a raffle ticket to any child wishing to leave the yard to use the toilet.
⦁ The raffle ticket is handed in to the children who make a note of the children entering.
⦁ It is the responsibility of the children to ensure that, no more than, one child enters the toilet at any time.
⦁ If a difficulty arises the children can seek help from a member of class close by.

Outdoor Teaching Activities

⦁ The class teacher is to be present with their class at all times and, where possible, will be accompanied by an SNA.
⦁ When visiting teachers, such as P.E., Science and Music take over a class, the school requires the teacher to maintain a presence.
⦁ Out of school activities such as swimming and school tours, back up provisions will be put in place to ensure adequate levels of supervision are put in place. The level of supervision is usually 1 adult per 15 children, with individual teachers in charge of specific groups. A minimum of 3 adults are required for any one outing.
⦁ Overnight tours require a minimum of 4 adults to accompany the children and remain with them throughout.
⦁ If a child is injured and require medical attention, 2 adults will be required to accompany them to the hospital.

Annual Sports Day

⦁ Children will remain under the supervision of the designated teacher throughout the day.
⦁ Parents are invited to watch all the activities but are requested not to remove children without notifying the teacher.
⦁ All children leaving school with their parents early must fill in the sign out sheet in the office.

Sanctions under Code of Behaviour

⦁ For the most part sanctions involving a child spending time out of their class will be delivered during the school day and, the child in question, will be placed in another classroom, as deemed appropriate, under the supervision of another teacher.
⦁ If the sanction involves missing yard time, the child will be placed in the hall, where teachers will supervise from a distance.
⦁ If there is a definite risk posed by a child to himself or others, the child in question, will be placed under the supervision of 2 adults, either 2 teachers or a teacher and an SNA.

One to One Teaching/SNA

⦁ An open door policy is in place for every teacher who works with a pupil on an individual basis.
⦁ These lessons will be timetabled in classrooms where others are close by, or just outside a mainstream classroom.
⦁ One to one teaching will only take place for short intervals and, where possible, small groups will be taken.
⦁ If a Special Needs Assistant needs to escort a child to the toilet, they will wait at the main doors of the toilet between door and corridor. If the child needs help than a 2nd adult should be present.

Classroom Teaching

⦁ A teacher should be present at all times.
⦁ If a teacher is called from his/her classroom to meet with a parent, another member of staff may be released to cover. However, it is school policy to request that parents make an appointment.
⦁ If a teacher needs to leave the classroom for any reason, then they are required to leave their classroom door open and the room opposite open for another teacher to supervise both classes.
⦁ Student teachers should not be left in charge of a class on their own. If the teacher needs to leave for any reason, then the above rule applies.

School Transport including Bus Escort

⦁ An adult with an affiliation to the school and that has been formally vetted will accompany all children on bus trips to and from school.
⦁ At no time must a child/children be left on a bus with a driver of an outside agency.
⦁ School tours requiring a bus will always have the correct quota of adults present at all times that the children are on the bus.

Fundraising Events involving Children

⦁ Only parents that have been Garda vetted by the school may be present at a fundraising event for children.
⦁ Written permission must be given for children to attend any event.
⦁ A sign in/sign out register is in place for all events to ensure the safety of the children.
⦁ No one parent will be left in charge of a child at the end of the night if uncollected. A minimum of a 1/2 ratio will always be adhered to.

Use of Off-Site Facilities for School Activities

⦁ Insurance and child protection details will be checked.
⦁ Teachers will remain with children at all times (see visiting teachers)
⦁ If a child remains uncollected, a teacher will remain with them in an open space with others around. The school will be notified.

St. John's National School © 2021